Welcome to your new website!
Thank you for purchasing Salutation. To help get you started a few common questions about the theme and this sample content are addressed below.
Why doesn't my website look exactly like the demo? The WordPress import/export feature is limited and far from perfect. It often edits the content as it’s being imported by stripping important items like shortcodes, images, etc. Another limitation is the “Widgets” you add to sidebars. These are not included in the export file. To help with this most of the sidebar content has been included in “Static Blocks” which you can add to your sidebars with a shortcode. This is explained in more detail below.
Where is this content I'm reading right now coming from? The content shown here is being produced by a “
Static Block” which is created in the “
Static Content” area of the admin. You will see a custom post type in the left admin menu named “Static Content” where you can go to create and edit these blocks.
Static blocks like this are responsible for populating a variety of different areas of your new website. For example, to add this to the home page we went to “Appearance > Layouts” and opened the “Home Page Layout“, dragged a “Static Content” item onto the layout and selected the static block “Home Page – Headline”
Another method of using static blocks is with a shortcode. You can see the shortcode documentation and usage here:
http://para.llel.us/themes/salutation-wp/shortcodes/miscellaneous/ (about half way down the page)
How do I add content to the tabs at the top? Go to the “Static Content” area of your admin and open the static blocks named “Tab: Sign in” and “Tab: Register“. You will find the necessary content and instructions for how to add it to your site.
Where are the images from the demo site? The images used on the demo website are not included in the demo content package. This is because they are not licensed for re-distribution. This means that if I were to include them it would be illegal.
The images seen in the home page slide show of the demo website were purchased from a stock photography website. If you wish to purchase these images you can find links to them at the end of the included help document.
Where do I edit the 'Join > Share > Connect!' area below?If you’re trying to edit this page and can’t find the image and button, scroll to the bottom of the “Home Page – Headline” static block’s edit screen and you’ll see a text box labeled “HTML Content”. The demo content is added to this field to prevent the WordPress import/export from editing the data.
Help Document
Please be sure to review the help document included with the theme. It can be found in the “Documentation” folder inside the download files, or by clicking the blue “Help” tab in the theme admin from any theme settings area. The help file answers many questions and will walk you through the steps required to initially setup your site.
Have more questions?
If you have additional questions and comments you can also refer to the FAQs found here:
Need a little support?
You can also contact us for support anytime you need a little help.